The beating heart of Africa, where wild wonders await.

Taking its name from the mighty Zambezi River which runs along its western and southern periphery, Zambia’s highlights cater to those seeking a classic African safari experience. With a wide range of game viewing available across its many national parks and game reserves, spotting big game up close rates as one of the most sought-after activities to be enjoyed on our tours. 

From hearing and seeing prides of lions in their natural habitat, to admiring the grace of giraffes as they lope through the savannah, and on to the delights of cruises along the Lower Zambezi to view elephants, hippo and crocodiles along the river’s course, or the sublime pleasure of seeing the mighty Victoria Falls from the elegance of a waterside hotel, the sights and sounds of the country make it the quintessential African destination for lovers of wildlife. Whether you’re seeking an up-close walking safari, or viewing from the secluded safety of a game hide at the water’s edge, the choice is yours.

The Safari Shaman is here to help you discover the perfect trip for you.

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